Interesting Video about Japan and Shinto
Shinto is consider as a religion all over the world except in Japan. Funny, isn't it. This video explains why.
Shinto is consider as a religion all over the world except in Japan. Funny, isn't it. This video explains why.
分かりました (understand) 解りました (Solved) わかりました Wakarimashita I understood or I solved it...
右 みぎ Migi Right 左 ひだり Hidari Left...
楽しい たのしい Tanoshii Enjoyable たのしいですか Are you enjoying?...
聞いてください きいてください Kiite Kudasai Please listen....
危ない あぶない Abunai Danger そこはあぶないです。 solo wa abunai desu It is dangerous there....
ありがとう Arigato...
泣かないで なかないで nakanaide Don't Cry...
Japan Fair is currently going on at he Bellevue College. Do you have any event that is related to Japan at or near where you live?
ください Kudasai Please give me ... みちをおしえてください Michio Oshiete Kudasai Please tell me the directions (the way) おみずをください Omizuo Kudasai Please give me some water キスしてください Kisu Shite Kudasai Please kiss me...