
可愛い かわいい

可愛い かわいい Kawii Cute そのいぬはかわいい That dog is cute....


行きます いきます Ikimasu I am going. or I am Coming. 東京に行きます。 Tokyo Ni Ikimasu. I am going to Tokyo. / I am coming to Tokyo....


心配 しんぱい shinpai Worry あなたが しんぱい です Anataga shinpai desu I am worried about you...

やめて やめろ

やめて & やめろ Yamete &. Yamero Stop doing There are few words that are different between male and female. When you want someone to stop something they are doing, you say If you are female ... やめて If you are male ... やめろ If you wish to politely say this, male or female you say ... やめてください...


無理 むり Muri Impossible それはむり Soreha Muri That is impossible むり いわないで Muri Iwanaide Don't say such impossible thing...


横 よこ Yoko Side よこ に おいで Yoko Ni Oide Please come next to me....

Japanese Law

You should understand Japanese laws when you visit Japan.


嘘 うそ Uso Lie うそでしょ You got to kidding It must not be true It must be a lie...


ご馳走 ごちそう Gochisou Great Meal ごちそうですね。 Gochisou Desune. This is a great meal. ごちそう さま Gochsou sama Thank you for a great meal Thank you for buying the meal ごちそうします Gochisou Shimasu I am buying the meal....


空 そら Sora Sky あおい そら Air Sora Blue Sky...

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