お疲れさまです おつかれさまです Otsukare Sama Desu You say this to someone elder and above you in raking when you meet him/her. Direct translation is "Thank you for getting tired / working hard."...
お疲れさまです おつかれさまです Otsukare Sama Desu You say this to someone elder and above you in raking when you meet him/her. Direct translation is "Thank you for getting tired / working hard."...
普通 ふつう Futsuu This is a very difficult word to translate. Futsuu is somewhere between Good and Bad. Nothing special. Also mean "Usually". げんき? ふつう! How are you? Normal!...
痛い いたい Itai Pain こし が いたい です Koshi Ga Itai Desu My back is in pain. あたま が いたい です Atama Ga Itai desu I have an headache. also mean I have a problem....
大切 たいせつ Taisetsu Very Important たいせつなひと Taisetsuna Hito Very Important Person...
楽しみ たのしみ Tanoshimi Looking Forward to あすが たのしみ です Asuga Tanoshimi Desu I am lookg forward to tomorrow....
やったー Yatta- I did it!!! やりました Yarimashita I did it....
感動 かんどう Kandou Impressed Moved Touched かんどうしました Kanjou Shimashuta I was moved...
諦めない あきらめない Akiramenai Don't give up. あきらめないでください。 Akiramenaide Kudasai Please do not give up....
簡単 かんたん Kantan Easy 難しい むずかしい Muzukashii Difficult このテストはむずかしい Kono Tesuto Ha Muzukashi This test is difficult ルールはたんたんです Ru-Ru ha Kantan Desu Rule is simple...
〜〜〜に行こう 〜〜〜にいこう 〜〜〜Ni Ikou Let's go to ~~~ スキーに行こう Sukii Ni Ikou Let's go Skiing 食べに行こう Tabe Ni Ikou Let’s go eat....