
じゃあ  Jaa (Jyaa)

じゃあ Although you probably know さようなら (sayounara) is “goodbye,” it has a very strong sense of finality, almost like you may not see that person again. So it’s often better to say じゃまた. Other variations are じゃね (ja ne: “see you”), バイバイ (baibai: “bye-bye”), and お元気で (o-genki de: “take care”). Source:

いくらですか  ikuradesuka

いくらですか ikuradesuka is phrase you use to ask for pricing. これは(Korewa)いくらですか。How much is this? あれは(Arewa)いくらですか。How much is that?...


I want to go _____ _______ いきたい。行きたい。ikitai. こうえん いきたい。 Wants to go to a park. トイレ いきたい。 Wants to go to a bathroom. ドライブ いきたい。 Wants to go to a drive,...

だいすき   daisuki

だいすき だい = 大 = dai = Big 好き = 好き = suki = Like あなた大好き  I love you a lot. ラーメンだいすき  I love Ramen....

すごい sugoi

すごい 'Sugoi' is a common Japanese word, usually written in kana alone, generally meaning 'great' or 'amazing'. すごくない means two things. (1) Not Great (2) Great, isn't it?...

だめ だめ Dame Dame

だめ menas "No" だめだめ is used to express casually "No". だめです Damedesu is more formal. だめだ Dameda is telling your self "Impossiblle' だめだよ Damedayo is telling someone "No"...

しつれいします  shitsureishimasu

しつれいします This phrase has two meaning. The literal translation is "Please forgive my bad manner." (1) I am leaving. (2) Excuse me. When you are leaving, you usually say おさきに しつれいします。 "I am leaving now ... please forgive me for my bad manner."...

はじめまして  hajimemashite

はじめまして Direct translation would be "Meet First Time". This is a greeting you use when you meet someone for the first time. "How do you dp?" "Nice to meet you." Kind of like those word....

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