

〰がしたいです。 =  I want to 〰 Words: 行く(Iku) Meaning: Go ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 原宿駅に行きたいです(Harazyuku Eki ni Ikitai desu) Meaning: I want to go to Harazyuku Station....


〰がしたいです。 =  I want to 〰 Words: 試す(Tamesu) Meaning:Try ─ How to use ─ Japanese: VRを試したいです。(VR wo tamesitai desu) Meaning:I want to try the VR....

写真を撮る(Shashin wo toru)

〰がしたいです。 =  I want to 〰 Words: 写真を撮る(Shashin wo toru) Meaning: Take a photo ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 写真を撮りたいです。(Shashin wo toritai desu) Meaning: I want to take a picture....

Let's learn Hiragana.

Today's topic is Hiragana. Hiragana is the basic Japanese phonetic alphabet. Let's learn how to read, write and pronounce Hiragana. If you like this video, please subscribe this account Japanese-Online YouTube. Also, If you have any questions and requests, please don't hesitate to give your comments and contact us.

予約する(Yoyaku suru)

〰がしたいです。 =  I want to 〰 Words: 予約する(Yoyaku suru) Meaning:Reserve ─ How to use ─ Japanese: ホテルを予約したいです。(Hoteru wo yoyaku sitai desu) Meaning:I want to reserve the hotel....


これはたのしですね。 KOREWA TANOSHII DESUNE. This is fun. Tokyo Gifathon from James Curran on Vimeo....


〰はどこですか? =  Whre is 〰 Words: お手洗い(Otearai) Meaning:Bathroom(Restroom) ─ How to use ─ Japanese: お手洗いはどこですか?(Otearai ha doko desuka?) Meaning:Where is the bathroom?...

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〰はどこですか? =  Whre is 〰 Words:病院(Byouinn) Meaning: Hospital ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 近くに病院はありますか?(Chikaku ni byouinn ha arimasuka?) Meaning: Is there any hospitals around here?...


〰はどこですか? =  Whre is 〰 Words:薬局(Yakkyoku) Meaning:Pharmacy ─ How to use ─ Japanese: 近くに薬局はありますか?(Chikaku ni yakkyoku ha arimasuka?) Meaning:Is there a pharmacy around here?...

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