
How do you Yesterday in Japanese?

Saki Ototoi さきおととい 3 Days Ago Ototoi おととい 2 Days Ago or A Day Before Yesterday Kinou きのう Yesterday Kyou きょう Today Ashita あした Tomorrow Asatte あさって A Day After Tomorrow Shiasatte しあさって 3 Days After Tomorrow Please listen by clicking the icon below. Your browser does not support iframes....

From Narita Airport to Downtown Tokyo

How do you travel from Narita Airport to Downtown Tokyo. - Bus ... Orange and White Bus takes you to Hotels and Stations. The cost is 3,100 yen. - Train ... There are Japan Rail and Keisei Line. JR Takes you to Tokyo Station and Shinjyuku Station where Keisei will take you to Ueno. The costs are same sound 3,000 yen. - Taxi ... It will take you anywhere but the cost will be over 15,000 yen.

Names of the Days of the Week

Nichi Youbi にちようび Sunday Getsu Youbi げつようび Monday Ka Youbi かようび Tuesday Sui Youbi すいようび Wednesday Moku Youbi もくようび Thursday Kin Yobi きんようび Friday Do Youbi どようび Saturday Click on the icon below to listen. Your browser does not support iframes....

Useful Japanese

Here are some questions you may find them useful. Ima Nanji Desuka いまなんじですか What time is it now? Sore wa Itsu Desuka それはいつですか What time will that be? Sore wa Doko Desuka それはどこですか Where is it? Gakkou wa Doko Desuka がっこうはどこですか Where is a School. Kyou wa Nan Yobi Desuka きょうはなんようびですか What day is this? (Sun, Mon ...) Kyou wa Nan Nichi Desuka きょうはなんにちですか What day is this? (1st, 2nd ...) Soreha Nan Gatsu...

Japanese Phrases You Should Know

おはようございます Ohayou Gozaimasu Good Moring おやすみなさい Oyasumi Nasai Good Night こんにちは Konnnichiwa Hello はじめまして Hajimemashite How do you do こんばんわ Konbanwa Good evening いただきます Itadakimasu I am starting to eat ごちそうさまでした Gochisousamadeshita Tank you for the meal さよなら Sayonara Good Bye それじゃ Sorejya See you later ばいばい Bai Bai Bye Bye がんばれ Ganbare Do your best ありがとう Arigato Thank you Now listen to them. Your bro...

How do you make and end a call?

Moshi Moshi Tanaka Sama no Otakudesuka もしもし たなかさま の おたくですか Hello, is this Tanaka's Resident? Watakushi Kinoshita to Mosuhimau わたくし きのしたと もうします My name is Kinoshita Taro Sama Ha Gozaitaku Desuka たろうさまは ございたくですか Is Taro At Home? ... Soredeha Shitsurei Itashimasu それでは しつれい いたします Thank you and I am hunging up Hai Hai Hai はい はい はい Yes Yes Yes Ie Ie Douitashimashite いえいえ どういたしまして No No You are very welc...

How do you ask for something in Japanese?

Korea Ikura Desuka. これはいくらですか How much is it? Onamae wa Nandesuka. おなまえはなんですか What is your name? Koko wa Dokodesuka. ここはどこですか Where is this? Ima Nanji Desuka. いまなんじですか What time is it now? Eki wa Dokodesuka. えきはどこですか Where is the station? Kore wa Nandesuka. これはなんですか What is this? Kore wa Nanto Iimasuka. これはなんといいますか How do you call this? Nani wo Shiteirunodesuka. なにをしているのですか What are you doing? Do ...

End of Year Greetings

What do you say to greet people before new year. You would say "Kotoshimo Arigatou Gozaimashita." "Rainen mo Yoroshiku Onegaiitashimasu." "Yoi Otoshio Omukae Kusasai." 今年もありがとうございました。 来年もよろしくお願い致します。 良いお年をお迎えください。 Thank you for everything this year. I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year. Have a good New Year! Now you can listen to those phrases. Your browser does not suppor...

What would you say in New Year?

There are thing you usually say in Japan when you meet someone for that first time in the new year. - Shinnen Akemashite Omedetou Goaimasu "Happy New Year" - Kotoshimo Yoroshiku Onegai Itashimasu "I look forward to your continued good will in the coming year." Do not say this until the new year. Your browser does not support iframes. Click on the icon above to listen.

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