Original Anime is better
Is it only me that think Hollywood make Anime into a crap. I am a fan of "Ghost on the Shell 攻殻機動隊" anime ... but not a live action movie. Besides, Hollywood likes to change the story to make it simpler....
Is it only me that think Hollywood make Anime into a crap. I am a fan of "Ghost on the Shell 攻殻機動隊" anime ... but not a live action movie. Besides, Hollywood likes to change the story to make it simpler....
I really love Japanese airport ground crews stand in line wad wave you off. Don't you think it is cool?
Is this the type of contents people want at Japanese-Online.com???
I have ordered two booths for Uchikura & Co. at Japan Fair 2018 which will take place at Bellevue Maydenbauer Center on Jy-une 7 and 8. http://www.japanfairus.org We will be selling items from Japan at the fair. Please come visit us. PSPinc also has a booth at the fair. Also our friend Sundance Energy will have two booths this year. If you are interested in exhibiting at the fair... contact me.
Have you ever head WA GYU (和牛) Japanese beef? Do you like it?...
Sometime I get an urge to eat steaming hot ramen and rice. It is not good for my diet but ... They are so good and cheap in Japan.
Tokyo metro subway system ... it is still glowing. In Tokyo, there is no need to rent a car there. You just learn how to use subway system. You can go anywhere with subway and train system. They are clean, props and relatively inexpensive.
Have you heard about this group???
Tiomioka High School in Japan I love this song ... THIS IS ME The theme song for The Greatest Showman.
Many people of western cultures cannot eat fish with their heads. We are so used to it. Can you handle fish with head? This is さんま / Sanma or Pacific Saury Very popular;ar fish in Japan. It is called Yaki Zakana ... Why not Yaki Sakana? It is written Yaki Sakana but we pronounce it Yaki Zakana....