
Japanese 祭

I cam,e across the Hanno Festival in Hanno Japan.

550 Yen Meal

Soba Noodle and Okra and Soft Bolid Egg Rice. Simple but great meal for 550 yen (US$5.00) in Tokyo. If you look a riound there are many great places to eat for not much money.

Steak in Japan

No it is not wagyu beef steak. It is an American style angus beef steak in Japan. You can get this at 6.9yen per gram ... this is 400 gra, (16 oz) steak for just about $25. You NA not beat this deal.

祭 Matsuri

There is a Matsuri going on where I am staying.

Dinner in Japan

You can just go to any supermarket and find great meals in Japan.

Street Food in Tokyo. 屋台Yatai

There are few places I know that have street food. They are usually cheap but lately places are busy with frorigners are prices are going up.

Eating Japanese in Japan

I had a wonderful Sashimi Lunch for 1,080Yen ... That is no more than $10.00 That is including tax and there is no tipping. You cannnot have this in the US for this price.

ただいま〜 Tadaima

ただいま is a word you use to say “I am back.” When you hear someone says ただいま, you reply おかえりなさい. Okaerinasai means, “Welcome back.” The sign at the Narita Airport says おかえりなさい。...

JAL to Seattle

I am so happy to see JAL coming to fly between Seattle and Narita starting March 30, 2019. I used to fly JAP between Seattle and Narita 30 years ago. With is, two of Japanese major airlines, ANA and JAL, are both flying to Seattle.

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